02/16/2021 / By News Editors
(Article by Patty McMurray republished from 100PercentFedUp.com)
The true measure of a man or a woman is when they stand alone when their friends and colleagues have distanced themselves, when the opposition is in their face, extreme and public, and that one man or that one woman still makes the right decision, knowing full well that when they make that principled decision, the world will turn against them, the media will beat them up, the court of public opinion will possibly destroy their career (or worse), and yet that man or woman stands strong and makes that singularly principled decision, against all pressure and against all threats and against all evil.
In the one minute of his entire life, on January 6, 2021, when he had such a monumental decision to make … former Vice President Mike Pence caved. It was a historically sad moment.
In doing so, he contributed to the violence of a stolen election.
We keep hearing about the violence of the mob that descended upon the Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, but the truth of the matter is that the violence started well before November 3, 2020, when all stops were pulled out to steal the election from President Trump.
I was in Washington DC on that fateful day, but I stayed on the periphery of the mostly peaceful protest. Even though I didn’t find myself in a cramped-in crowd of a million people, cold as I would have been, I was still glad to be there in my warm vehicle covered with Trump slogans as a show of hot support to the only President in my living memory that had an agenda I supported – called America First.
I didn’t get out of my car. My role was to be one of advertising my support for President Trump. I proudly displayed my TRUMP car magnet on the back of my vehicle; I painted most of my car windows with messages – Stop the Steal – We Love Trump – Trump WON 2021. I guess we all have our roles to play.
When I drove in to Washington DC on the morning of January 6, 2020, I was filled with pride and joy to see so many people, young and old, marching in what could be called the Million Patriot Protest, until by the end of the day, the mainstream media changed the narrative, calling it a riot, an insurrection; calling the marchers domestic terrorists, and by the end of the month, we are now MAGA terrorists or subversives. Can you imagine?
But remember, in a world of manufactured crises, it isn’t so much about what you see as it is about what they say you saw.
I know that the vast majority of people who took the time to go to DC on January 6, 2021, went there to show congress that we support President Donald J. Trump; to show that we appreciate much of what his administration has done, in the face of the ugly leftist unhinged extremism, that in the 21st century is beyond anything we have seen in our lifetimes.
My afterthought was to think about how easy it might have been to excite a crowd of young people into doing something that is wrong (maybe like climbing the wall of the Capitol building). I can think back clearly enough to my own youth and the thought of climbing the side of the Capitol would have been kind of exciting to me – I might have even tried to do it myself, except that I probably wouldn’t have the strength or courage even in my youth to actually do it. But many young men, frustrated by being self-quarantined for almost a year now, frustrated at finding out that VP Pence, et al., betrayed us … they would have had the strength and the courage to do it, as well as the youthful exuberance for dumb daring. I’m not excusing them; after all, violence is violence, and it can never be accepted. I am just trying to understand how some of the wonderful young people I saw there could have ended up swept into the excitement of the moment (proven to have been provoked by the violent mob known as Antifa, ya know).
Because what I saw were the orderly, fresh and friendly-faced young people that caught my eye, all wrapped in flags, smiling under hoods and MAGA hats, bundled up for a long winter’s day, happily cheering their (our) President, Donald J. Trump.
That was the day that we expected to have the brave Defenders and Protectors of our Constitution finally do the right thing, against all odds, against all threats, against all opposition and they would refuse to accept the results of an election that was obviously fraught with fraud.
There was a police presence evident along all of the streets that I drove through, but as usual, the police respected the patriots and the patriots respected the police.
I had the Right Side Broadcasting live stream on my cell phone so I was able to glance at the crowd and hear the speakers clearly from my vehicle while I drove around the streets of DC … then, all of a sudden, nature called. As much as I don’t like standing outside freezing in a wall to wall crowd of peaceful Patriots, I like even less to answer the call of nature in a public building or a port-a-potty, which were not visible to me anyway, so I drove all the way back to my hotel in Maryland.
When I got back to my hotel, I started watching the traitors in congress doing their usual blather and bluster on C-Span … one side tells their story; then the other side tells their story – they don’t listen to each other, they don’t care about evidence, and neither side’s story added up to doing the ONLY duty that they have that matters to us and that is PROTECTING AND DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION.
Oh, they make reference to it. In fact, lately, it seems to have become the fashion phrase of the day – quote (or misquote) some constitutional section or sentence then tie their tyrannical actions to it.
Then, all of a sudden I watched them on TV starting to scatter like rats, but I didn’t know why and I heard that the Patriots were entering into the Capitol and I saw on television the peaceful lines of ordinary people walking within the rope lines into the lobby of the building. It didn’t seem to be any kind of armed revolution. Where was the disconnect? I watched as the peaceful Patriots were getting a tour of the Capitol lobby – how cool was that? I decided I needed to get back to the scene of the action, so I drove back to Washington DC – again with my car covered with Trump-supporting statements. Again, few even looked at me; some approved, others didn’t.
I was 15 minutes outside of DC when I heard that gunshots had been fired, one lady was hit, she might have died, and all hell was breaking loose, so I caved. I turned around and drove back to Maryland, where I witnessed the televised escalation of the narrative of using the potentially contrived violence of the January 6th protest to mask and overtake the most definitely contrived violence of the November 3rd election theft.
At that point, the stage was set for congress to cave by approving the verifiably fraudulent results of the November 3, 2020, presidential election, and now the powerful globalist media and powerful globalist political giants of our day are doing everything they can to try to make sure that the violence of a stolen election is forever forgotten, that the mostly peaceful Trump supporters are forever turned in to violent monsters and that the true violence of tyranny begins.
Hold on to your MAGA hats, kids. The going could get rough.
Read more at: 100PercentFedUp.com and Truth.news.
Tagged Under: civil unrest, conspiracy, crisis, deception, Donald Trump, election fraud, lies, politics, riots, traitors, truth, tyranny, violence